Lovense - wireless toys

Saturday 18 April 2009

Big brother is watching! And taking notes!

What gives councils the right to not just watch our every movement, but then use that constant invasion of our privacy to issue fines and confirm our details? I have no issue with the CCTV camera's that are appearing everywhere, so long as they are used properly - to prevent / restrict crime. But reports now state, and this is from the Home office (those that gave permission in the first place), that some councils are using these camera's to follow people to confirm where they live / work etc. Apparently because some parents have been lying about where they lice to get their kids into better schools, doctor's / dentist's etc... Don't know about you, but if i had kids i would want the best for them as well. Surely this should make the council's realise that they have a problem with the services they are providing and sort them out, not persecute the parents that actually care about their kids education and well being? Add to this that they are also issuing fines for people putting out their bins early/on the wrong day, and for not clearing up their dog mess. Isn't that how speed camera's started? To tackle a major problem, yet now you find them everywhere that they think they can make money.

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