Lovense - wireless toys

Wednesday 9 March 2011

police cuts... get a grip

yes the police do a crap job at times, dealing with the low life's, the dreg's... the problems that today's society has created. But, no-one forced them, they chose that career path. so the fact that to save money some of the perks are being cut, or tighter controlled, is no different to any other job - especially if they worked in the private sector. Their pay isn't being cut, despite what the unions are trying to say. Just the extra's that some of them have come to expect, to take for granted, to think that they are their's by rights rather than reward. Overtime, by definition, is an extra payment on a adhoc / as n when needed basis. NOT an expected part of your pay packet. same with other allowances - the give away is in the name! As to the job cuts etc, they are facing a 20% cut, other parts of the civil service are facing up to 40% cuts and do you hear them threatening action or complaining so publicly?

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Petrol Prices

The price just keeps going up - petrol and diesel are getting more and more expensive, yet the price of a barrel of crude oil HASN'T risen by the same %!

Why, coz the oil companies can charge what they like! Libya may have reduced production, but Saudi and the other producers ahve increased their's to compensate.

And surely this is a perect chance to get some money into the Iraqi economy - they have oil wells, so get their production up, get more money into the area and country and maybe that will help stabalise that area as the people see the results of the upheaval

But the price will still go up, as greed takes over - last week i read an article where a independant petrol station / company blamed the high price on the competition from the supermarkets! How can competition keep the price HIGH?

Competition lowers prices, by definition it makes it more competative not expensive!

And of course this rise has a knock on effect on everything, as transport costs etc rise, so do retail prices

the only thing not going up is wages

Wednesday 2 March 2011

how much more can we take?

with the midle east etc all goin to rat shit, dictatorships crashing down, governments and societies crumblimg...

how long before they use this as yet anotehr excuse to put uf fuel prices - so our petrol / diesel will go up, as will our home enerbgy supplies of gas and electricity. this will result in retailers putting their prices up to cover the extra costs, etc etc and everything will spiral out of ocntrol

the only thing that doesn't seem to be going up is wages! I haven't had a payrise in 2 years as profits etc are so low, so how can we keep paying these stupid high prices?