Lovense - wireless toys

Sunday 30 August 2009

football and violence

i love football, have done for many many years. and it was so sad to see it sinking back into the days of old, back into the scenes we havent seen for a couple of decades. yes, i am talking about the millwall - west ham game on tuesday night. do we really need to be seeing scenes like that again? football has grown into a family game, like it should be, not a breeding fround for thugs and bullies. to make it worse, it was the west ham (HOME) fans causing most of the problems and they won as well!

Sunday 23 August 2009

I have been using this website for a couple of months now, and have earnt some money. Not a lot yet, but it is growing each month.

And, the more referrals and friends that you get, the more page views, the more you earn. And, of course you get earnings from your referalls page views etc as well!

X Factor 2009

Well the new season, in the new format, kicked off last night - saturday 22nd August.

It was good, but a lot of messing aroud between auditions etc when they could have shown more acts - good and/or bad.

And there were some VERY bad ones, had me in stitches, crying with laughter whilst at the same time trying to cover my ears!

How they could have thought they coudl sing, or their friends let them be so deluded and get that far without telling them that they were shite is beyond me!

I KNOW i can't sing!

Thursday 13 August 2009

back home

been on hols for a few days, great to get away... now home and back to the sad old world. still at least haven't got to go back to work till monday! fun drunken, dirty weekend starts tomorrow.... and hopefully some dirty sex to go with it!

Saturday 8 August 2009

over crowded prison's

Is this really a surprise?

Forgetting the fact that society has no control, no respect or any consideration for other's (due to the fact that many parents no longer instill these in their children anymore) how about the fact that the legal system is out of control?

A murderer or rapist can be released after 10/12/15 years, yet how long has Ronnie Biggs been in jail for the train robbery?

He hasn't been released because he hasn't shown any remorse! What they mean is that he is being honest and not lying, saying he know's he was wrong that he was naughty etc etc just to be released. Do they really think all the burglar's. mugger's, rapist' and murderer's that say they are remorseful REALLY are? If that was the case why would so many of them re-offend for the same crime?

Not exactly rocket science is it!

Thursday 6 August 2009

dirty, used, worn panties - fresh from a TV/CD's body!

Finally got around to finding a site that would let me host a pantie selling page for free, and started a website designed to satisfy a need, and sell some of my used worn panties - making me happy that guys want them and enjoy them, and some money to go out and buy new panties etc. Not limited to panties, but stockings and a DVD of my pictures / vid clips as well! All for YOUR pleasure hehe Take a look and tell me what you think, it's free to look LOL. And if you like, then buy!

Sunday 2 August 2009

A legend has gone

What a real shame it is that Sir Bobby Robson has died, finally the cancer that he has been battling took him.

Here a REAL life legend has passed from out number's, yet despite all of his fantastic achievements at club and international level and NO major scandel's, you can pretty much guarantee that outside the football / sports world no-one will really care.

How is this far compared with the ludicrous amount of coverage that MJ got? Yes he gave great music to the world, but he was also a bit wierd and dogged with some very bad scandel's - what can be worse than what he was accused of with kids?

But Sir Booby also inspired people, accross the generations, with his personality, his drive and his dedication.

RIP to a real and great legend of a man, YOu will be missed for year's to come