Lovense - wireless toys

Tuesday 12 May 2009


Why is is that despite all the media hype and pressure to recycle most councils / communities don't or won't do it? Many will collect cardboard and plastic bags / bottles, and provide glass points, but not anything else. Yet the vast majority of the plastic containers are now recyclable, and the manufacturer's n stores go to great lengths to highlight this on the packaging. They say that the recycling plants aren't available, or cost to much. Yet they do in other countries. And surely this self same argument could have been used 15-20 years ago about cardboard or plastic bottles. It is until somebody invests in the plants that we WILL have the facilities avaiable. With all the pressure and money spent on making the packaging recyclable surely the next step MUST be made sooner or later? Or, how about selling it abroad? We but in some plastics for our recycling plants, so maybe some of the contintal plants would buy our yoghurt / marg etc tubs?

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